FULLY BOOKED FOR 23/24 Teresa Waldorf

Email: teresa.waldorf@umontana.edu
Phone: 4063961244
Organization (if applicable): 
*can create original residencies

Art Form:
30 years experience teaching kids the value and fun of creative dramatics and theatre
5 years experience as a SPARK Artist with more than 30 SPARK residencies 
15 years at UM, teaching teachers to use Creative Drama in their Elementary Classrooms

Three words to describe you? Inspiring, imaginative and funny

What was your first arts "aha" moment, including how old were you? In second grade, my best friend and I were tasked with acting out The Tortoise and the Hare.  We wrote our own songs and developed commercial breaks between scenes.   To this day, I can still sing the songs and do the commercials and I was only 8 years old, but that is the effect it had on me.  Creative Drama makes what you learn UNFORGETTABLE!

Why are you a teaching artist? Because I know in my heart, that through my residencies, I have and will continue to change some little child's morning, day, week, school year and maybe even their life, directly or indirectly. 

In five words or less, why do you love your art form? Creative drama lets kids what if…..

Finish the sentence: "Because of Arts Ed..." minds are expanded, success is attainable, joy is felt and shared

What does success look like during your residency? Straight-faced, reluctant participants end up smiling, and learning and remembering subject matter that may have escaped them before. 

What’s an important life skill you gained through the arts? Self-love and confidence

Who is an artist that changed your life? Carol Burnett

If you were entering a talent show, what would be your specific talent? Stand-Up and Sketch Comedy

Do you have a secret (or not so secret) obsession? Making people laugh

Hailey Faust