FULLY BOOKED FOR 23/24 Brian Christianson

Teaching Artist Name (First/Last): Brian Christianson
Email: brianchristiansonphotography@gmail.com
Phone: 4065293177

Art Form:
Visual Art (photography)
- Associate of Applied Science in Professional Photography;
- Bachelors in Geography and Environmental Studies;
- Eight years as a professional landscape photographer;
- Seven years experience working in an elementary school setting (after school and behavior work); and
- Six years teaching youth photography classes.

Three words to describe you? Walking, Outdoors, Camera

What was your first arts "aha" moment, including how old were you? 4th grade, Mr. Larson's class. In our little classroom nestled in the cornfields of southern Minnesota, I picked up a book about Mount Everest. The book was full of pictures: I had never seen mountains before. In that moment, I was hooked. I both wanted to live in the mountains and photograph them. 25 years later, I am still following that thread.

Why are you a teaching artist? I am a teaching artist because landscape photography has radically enriched my life and I want to share the art form with whoever needs it (whether they know it or not).

In five words or less, why do you love your art form? Preservation of mountain memories.

Finish the sentence: "Because of Arts Ed..." I found my purpose.

What does success look like during your residency? Students finding value in the preservation of moments and delighting in the pursuit of new experiences via photography. Additionally, reaching students that may have struggled with traditional dexterous mediums - painting, drawing, ceramics - and are seeking an outlet for artistic expression.

What’s an important life skill you gained through the arts? Perseverance

Who is an artist that changed your life? Galen Rowell

If you were entering a talent show, what would be your specific talent? Freestyle yo-yoing

Do you have a secret (or not so secret) obsession? Bottom of the barrel "reality" dating shows

Hailey Faust